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Welcome to the Shirley & Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre

The Shirley & Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre (Cancer Centre) of Health Sciences North (HSN) is one of fourteen regional cancer programs in Ontario. The Cancer Centre is an Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario (OH-CCO) partner which serves a population of more than 600,000 in Northeastern Ontario.

The Cancer Centre currently receives over 3000 new cancer patients each year, and conducts approximately 17,000 chemotherapy visits and 38,000 radiation therapy visits, saving Northern Ontario residents afflicted with cancer and their families the cost and inconvenience of traveling to Southern Ontario for treatment. We also support partnerships between twelve community hospital sites in the Northeast in the provision of specialized cancer care services ordered by the Cancer Centre of HSN. The Cancer Centre strives to keep care close to home and offers a variety of options for interaction with the care team including virtual home-based appointments.

At the Shirley & Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre, we have a team of world-renowned oncologists, scientists and researchers who work on a variety of research and clinical trials that regularly attract the attention of the international medical community.




Tell your healthcare team about your symptoms by completing the "Your Symptoms Matter" symptom screening tool at home within 24 hours of your appointment

Accommodation Information

Local Transportation Options

Out of Town Travel Options

Support from the Canadian Cancer Society


Despite the many challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, this plan was developed through extensive engagement and thoughtful work with our many partners, including patient and family advisors, our dedicated physicians, clinical leaders and Cancer Centre staff including those serving Indigenous communities, our partner hospitals, scientists and volunteers. We are also always grateful for the support and collaboration of the Northern Cancer Foundation.

Everyone who worked on this plan shares the common goal of continuing to improve the quality of cancer care for our patients and their families throughout their entire cancer journey.

Our patients are at the heart of everything we do and we are incredibly proud of the way everyone working in cancer care in the Northeast has maintained focus on our patients and their families during this world wide crisis. Adapting to new ways of delivering care and innovating to keep patients safe, our staff and physicians never faltered in their dedication.
This plan represents that commitment to the health of Northeastern Ontario and we are proud to be putting it into action together.

Northeast Regional Cancer Plan - 2020-2024


Contact Us

Health Sciences North
Shirley & Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre
41 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 5J1

Phone: 705-522-6237

Hours: 6:30am – 4:30pm