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Primary Care Provider Resources

Provides primary care providers of northeastern Ontario with access to Ontario Health (CCO) and Northeast Regional Cancer Program evidence-based resources, information and tools to adopt and implement cancer screening and cancer care guidelines in primary care practices.

North East Cancer Screening Update is a quarterly publication from the Northeast Regional Cancer Program providing evidence-based guidance, and clinical and operational updates of interest with a focus on primary care in northeastern Ontario.

Latest Issue

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Find cancer screening clinical decision support tools for primary care providers, including tools for breast, cervical, colorectal, lung and other cancers.  

Lung Cancer Screening for People at High Risk   

Health Sciences North (HSN) is one of four sites in the province offering the Ontario Lung Screening Program (OLSP), a program of Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario), which screens people at high risk for lung cancer with a low-dose CT.

For further information about the OLSP at HSN contact:

Toll-Free: 1-844-703-0164
Local: (705) 523-7301

Ontario Lung Screening Program (HSN Site) Referral Form

Ontario Breast Screening Program

Ontario Cervical Screening Program


Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario) Screening Activity Report

The Screening Activity Report (SAR) is an online tool available to patient-enrolment model primary care physicians.  It provides screening data for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers to help physicians improve their cancer screening rates and appropriate follow-up.

Assistance is available from the Shirley & Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre:

  • in setting up eHealth Ontario accounts for physicians and delegates to access the SAR.
  • training on how to use the SAR in a practice setting.


Ontario Cancer Profiles

Ontario Cancer Profiles is a self-serve, interactive set of dashboards that gives access to recent, customizable and meaningful cancer statistics and screening date, including cancer burden, cancer screening, risk factors and socio-demographic factors.


Other Resources for Primary Care Providers

  • Disease Pathway Management Maps:  Pathway maps are tools used to improve quality, access, appropriateness and coordination of care across all stages of the patient experience.
  • Symptom Management: Symptom management tools help primary care providers assess and appropriately manage a patient’s cancer-related symptoms. Guides are available for healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Follow-Up Care for Cancer Survivors: The follow-up guidelines support primary care providers in their care of people recovering from cancer; and include a schedule of diagnostic tests.

For questions or to contact the Northeast Regional Primary Care Lead, or Regional Indigenous Cancer Leads:  email us at


Contact Us

Shirley & Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre
Health Sciences North
41 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 5J1

Phone: 705-522-6237 ext. 2537
