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Indigenous cancer care team

The Indigenous Cancer Care Team at the Northeast Cancer Centre (NECC) is there to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit patients and their families along their cancer care journey.

The indigenous cancer care team consists of patient navigators, indigenous engagement liaison and regional indigenous cancer leads/physicians.

Indigenous Patient Navigator

  • Provides extra support for Indigenous patients with cancer and their families along every step of the cancer journey.
  • Support in the education and promoting awareness among cancer care health care providers and medical learners regarding First Nations, Métis and Inuit specific issues.

Indigenous Engagement Liaison

  • Supports the Regional Indigenous Cancer Leads in the implementation of their mandates.
  • Helps to design and deliver culturally relevant cancer programming, coordination, outreach and education to Northeastern Indigenous communities.

Regional Indigenous Cancer Leads/Physicians

  • Works toward building relationships in community and with key stakeholders to address cancer prevention, screening, survivorship, and palliative care for Indigenous patients and their families.
  • Advocates for Northeast issues related to the Indigenous Cancer Strategy and First Nations, Métis and Inuit specific cancer needs.
  • Supports primary care providers (family physicians and nurse practitioners) to improve screening practices for Indigenous clients.

  • All NECC patients are now asked if they identify as First Nations, Métis or Inuit when they register along with some follow up questions if they answer yes. Answering the questions is completely voluntary.
  • The goal of this change is to ensure patients can access the services of an Indigenous Health Navigator while they are at NECC. The Navigator can help make the healthcare journey smoother by providing help with paperwork and arranging transportation from the patient’s home community.
  • On the day of your visit and/or before the procedure, the surgeon or oncologist will explain in detail what to expect and get your consent before they proceed.
  • Your first visit with your oncologist may be done either in-person at the Cancer Centre, on the telephone or by video on the computer - either at your local hospital (OTN - Ontario Telemedicine Network) or in your own home (DTP - Direct-To-Patient)
  • It is important to make sure you have a family member present with you during this first visit. You will be getting a lot of information and next steps regarding your care.

Tips to help you prepare for your appointment

Write down any questions you have before your visit. Ask your doctor these questions.

For in-person appointments

  • Bring your drugs/medications in their original containers, inhalers and injectables. This includes any natural, herbal or traditional medicines that you are using.
  • Your Ontario health insurance card
  • Your status card number (if applicable)
  • A note pad to write down information
  • Payment for parking (cash, debit, credit)
  • A snack and drink (especially if you are diabetic)

For computer/or telephone appointments in your home

  • Set up in a quiet space with a good Wi-Fi connection
  • Do a test or a trial run of the computer system before your visit.

If you have questions about setting up the computer visit please contact Ontario Health (OTN) Technical Support at 1-855-654-0888 or visit the OTN website to find more information about your e-visit.


We welcome feedback about what we do well and how we can improve the care and services we provide. Patient Relations provides an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns or share any compliments you may have about your experience at HSN. Please provide your feedback by emailing or calling 705-523-7100 ext, 3737. Please visit patient relations webpage for more information.


Contact Us

Health Sciences North
Northeast Cancer Centre
Level 1, South Tower
41 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 5J1

Phone: 705-523-7100 ex.2629


Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm