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What's New at HSN?

Patient and Friend Inspired to Give Back to HSN!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Patient and Friend Inspired to Give Back to HSN!

Inspired by a school project and a shared desire to give back to their community, HSN patient Sébastien Moncion and his friend Ethan recently raised $560 selling handmade fishing lures. They used the funds to purchase 22 books for the Pediatric Diabetes Clinic at HSN.  

HSN wishes everyone a wonderful and safe long weekend

Thursday, June 30, 2022

HSN wishes everyone a wonderful and safe long weekend

Health Sciences North wishes everyone a wonderful and safe long weekend with family and friends.

Introducing Deanna Jones-Keeshig, Indigenous Health Director

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Introducing Deanna Jones-Keeshig, Indigenous Health Director

We are pleased to wrap up National Indigenous History Month by introducing you to our new Director for Indigenous Health, Deanna Jones-Keeshig.


An experienced leader and health care professional, Deanna is excited to have joined HSN in this important role.

Dr. Robert Ohle Appointed Vice-President, Academic and Research Impact  at HSN and HSNRI

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Dr. Robert Ohle Appointed Vice-President, Academic and Research Impact at HSN and HSNRI

Health Sciences North (HSN) and Health Sciences North Research Institute (HSNRI) have appointed Dr. Robert Ohle to a six-year renewable term as Vice-President, Academic and Research Impact, effective August 8, 2022.

Changes to Visitor Policy

Monday, June 27, 2022

Changes to Visitor Policy

Safety for our patients, their families and our staff is our top priority at HSN.

In light of lower COVID-19 cases in our community, we are making a change to our visitor policy as of today, June 27, 2022.

Inpatients will now be allowed to have two visitors at a time and patients coming for outpatient appointments will be allowed to bring one person with them to their appointments.

HSN Celebrates Stroke Awareness Month

Friday, June 24, 2022

HSN Celebrates Stroke Awareness Month

Stroke is a medical emergency. More people are surviving stroke because of increased public awareness, better treatment and coordinated systems of care, but four in 10 Canadians do not know how to recognize the signs of stroke.

Celebrating National Indigenous People’s Day!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Celebrating National Indigenous People’s Day!

Today is National Indigenous People’s Day and we are celebrating the HSN and HSNRI healthcare heroes who are First Nations, Inuit or Métis.

HSN is committed to being socially accountable and improving health outcomes for Indigenous patients and their families. As an organization we are seeking a deeper understanding of Indigenous cultures and we are working towards developing stronger partnerships with the Indigenous communities we serve.

2022 AGM

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

2022 AGM

HSN Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Clinical Advancements and Financial Surplus

Despite another challenging year of COVID-19, the 2022 Health Sciences North (HSN) virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) was filled with optimism and celebration. Northern Ontario’s largest hospital celebrated the extraordinary dedication of staff, clinical advancements, a budget surplus, and another exceptional year for medical staff recruitment. 

Masking and other COVID-19 policies continue at HSN

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Masking and other COVID-19 policies continue at HSN

While masking mandates are being lifted in some additional settings this weekend across Ontario, Health Sciences North will continue to require universal masking for our patients, Designated Care Partners and staff.
