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What's New at HSN?

HSN Celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Thursday, October 20, 2022

HSN Celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness Month

When Sandra turned 50, she followed in the footsteps of her sister Heather and booked her mammogram with the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP). “For us, breast screening is part of looking after our health. With breast cancer being the most common cancer for women, early detection is important and is generally linked to better outcomes,” says Heather.  

HSN Celebrates the First Anniversary of the Bariatric Centre of Excellence

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

HSN Celebrates the First Anniversary of the Bariatric Centre of Excellence

HSN is proud to announce the conclusion of its first year being a one-stop location for bariatric patients in Northeastern Ontario. The Bariatric Centre of Excellence helps patients lose weight and make lifestyle changes while remaining closer to home. 

Record $10 Million Gift for Health Sciences North’s Expansion, Cancer Centre Renamed “Shirley and Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre”

Monday, October 3, 2022

Record $10 Million Gift for Health Sciences North’s Expansion, Cancer Centre Renamed “Shirley and Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre”

In what is the largest single donation in the history of Northern Ontario hospitals, the Fielding and Perdue family is donating $10 million to the Northern Cancer Foundation for the proposed capital redevelopment at Health Sciences North (HSN).

The announcement was made on behalf of Craig Fielding and his wife Katriina Ruotsalo, Murray Fielding, Gerry Perdue and his children Jason, Cameron and Angela.

Health Sciences North Honours National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Friday, September 30, 2022

Health Sciences North Honours National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

HSN healthcare workers took part in traditional ceremonies today, led by Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and the hospital’s Indigenous Health Team, to honour survivors, the children who lost their lives, and the families and communities forever affected by the residential school system.

As part of the ceremonies, a sacred fire was ignited at the Ramsey Lake Health Centre, followed by a pipe and water ceremony. A prayer and memorial offering for the children was led by Rosella Kinoshameg, HSN Board member and a survivor of residential school.

Camp Wanakita Celebrates 30 Years

Monday, September 26, 2022

Camp Wanakita Celebrates 30 Years

For children with bleeding disorders (hemophilia), even a minor injury can be life-threatening.  Too often, they miss out on activities that other kids take for granted, like sports and summer camps. This is why Camp Wanakita is so wonderful!

Project SEARCH – Helping students prepare for the workforce

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Project SEARCH – Helping students prepare for the workforce

Health Sciences North is proud to join hands with the Rainbow District School Board, March of Dimes Canada and the City of Greater Sudbury to bring Project SEARCH to Sudbury.  

HSN Addictions Workers connecting their clients with help and hope

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

HSN Addictions Workers connecting their clients with help and hope

As Addictions Workers with HSN’s Crisis Intervention Services Team, Steven McCarthy and Kathryn Tiplady see the devastation of the opioid crisis in Sudbury up close every day.

For International Overdose Awareness Day, we spoke to them about why they chose to do this work and what they want the community to know about their clients.

HSN researchers look at how weekend physiotherapy could improve the health of elderly patients

Friday, August 26, 2022

HSN researchers look at how weekend physiotherapy could improve the health of elderly patients

When elderly patients are admitted to hospital, they spend a lot of time in bed due to their illness or condition. This is detrimental to their health and recovery. 60% of geriatric patients experience functional decline in hospital, which can mean a longer length of stay. 

The Workshop – Bringing Joy to Patients in Recovery

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Workshop – Bringing Joy to Patients in Recovery

The Workshop is a hidden gem within the walls of HSN. As part of the rehabilitation plan for patients who have had an amputation, spinal cord injury, or brain damage, the Workshop offers a space for patients to practice their coordination and memory skills as well as regain confidence in their abilities. 
