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What's New at HSN?

Meet Our Medical Staff!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Meet Our Medical Staff!

Our team of medical staff make real and meaningful contributions to the delivery of health care every day. Dr. Ryan DeMarchi, Neurosurgeon and Chief of Surgical Subspecialties, says that Sudbury's amazing work-life balance is what sets HSN apart from the rest.

Interpreter services for deaf and hard of hearing patients

Monday, July 17, 2023

Interpreter services for deaf and hard of hearing patients

HSN is committed to reducing and removing barriers for our patients and families with disabilities. We want all of our clinics and treatment areas to be safe and inclusive spaces for everyone.

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and coming to HSN for care, please contact the clinic or unit in advance of your visit so the staff there can arrange for the services you need. 

HSN Welcomes Minister of Health

Thursday, July 13, 2023

HSN Welcomes Minister of Health

We were excited to welcome Sylvia Jones, Ontario’s Minister of Health and Deputy Premier, to HSN today.

Minister Jones visited our Emergency Department, the Pediatric Ambulatory Care and Acute Inpatient Psychiatry units, our Medicine Lodge and one of the overflow units.

Growing Strong: Iris' Journey with Pompe Disease

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Growing Strong: Iris' Journey with Pompe Disease

At about eight weeks old, Iris’ family doctor noticed that she had low muscle tone and was concerned about possible seizure activity. Iris was sent to HSN and Sick Kids for further testing. There, it was discovered that Iris had a rare genetic disorder called Infantile Onset Pompe disease, which causes progressive weakness to the heart and skeletal muscles. 

Congratulations to our Project Search Grads!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Congratulations to our Project Search Grads!

Health Sciences North was thrilled to celebrate our first cohort of Project Search graduates yesterday!

Launched last fall, Project Search HSN is a transition-to-work program for students that require additional support.

It combines classroom instruction with hands-on training and helps students in their final year of high school develop skills required for entry-level employment.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

National Indigenous Peoples Day

HSN is committed to improving health outcomes for Indigenous patients and their families. This year, HSN has established an Indigenous Health Advisory Council that will work to address and prioritize more effective methods of delivering services to Indigenous peoples.

HSN and the Northern Cancer Foundation Recognize Historic $10 Million Fielding-Perdue Donation

Monday, June 19, 2023

HSN and the Northern Cancer Foundation Recognize Historic $10 Million Fielding-Perdue Donation

The unveiling of new signage for the Shirley and Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre took place on June 13th to recognize the historic $10 million gift from the Fielding and Perdue family that will help transform care for patients and families across the region.

COVID-19 Clinical Assessment Centre Relocating to Walford Road

Friday, June 16, 2023

COVID-19 Clinical Assessment Centre Relocating to Walford Road

HSN’s COVID-19 Clinical Assessment Centre will be relocating from its current site on Regent Street and will be opening in its new location at the Health Sciences North Research Institute (HSNRI), located at 56 Walford Road in Greater Sudbury, on June 20th.

Meet Our Medical Staff!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Meet Our Medical Staff!

Our team of medical staff make real and meaningful contributions to the delivery of health care every day. Dr. Nadia Omri, an Emergency Medicine Physician and Clinical Lecturer at NOSM University, joined the HSN team in 2022 to give back to the community where she grew up.
