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What's New at HSN?

The Workshop – Bringing Joy to Patients in Recovery

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Workshop – Bringing Joy to Patients in Recovery

The Workshop is a hidden gem within the walls of HSN. As part of the rehabilitation plan for patients who have had an amputation, spinal cord injury, or brain damage, the Workshop offers a space for patients to practice their coordination and memory skills as well as regain confidence in their abilities. 

Stay safe this summer

Friday, July 29, 2022

Stay safe this summer

Summer can be a time to unwind with friends and family, and it can also be a time when our Emergency Department sees a spike in traumatic injuries which could be prevented. We want you to stay safe this summer while enjoying the activities that you love. 

Please note the following important reminders for Designated Care Partners and visitors when you arrive at the main entrance of the Ramsey Lake Health Centre

Monday, July 11, 2022

Please note the following important reminders for Designated Care Partners and visitors when you arrive at the main entrance of the Ramsey Lake Health Centre

With the decreasing number of outbreaks, number of admitted patients and number of staff in COVID19 isolation at HSN, we are implementing some COVID policy changes for patients and visitors and Designated Care Partners. Remember that if you are showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19, have been instructed to quarantine by public health officials or in accordance with federal travel guidelines, please do not visit any patients at Health Sciences North.

Celebrating Pride Week in Sudbury!

Monday, July 11, 2022

Celebrating Pride Week in Sudbury!

It’s Pride Week in Sudbury and we’re celebrating by asking some HSN health care heroes what Pride means to them!

Meet Brandon McIsaac, a Registered Nurse in Acute Inpatient Psychiatry

HSN is a Smoke-Free Environment

Thursday, July 7, 2022

HSN is a Smoke-Free Environment

As a health care facility, Health Sciences North (HSN) has an important role to play in promoting health and wellness in our community. We value a healthy and safe environment for our patients, visitors and all who work at HSN. Smoking or vaping on our grounds is prohibited.

Patient and Friend Inspired to Give Back to HSN!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Patient and Friend Inspired to Give Back to HSN!

Inspired by a school project and a shared desire to give back to their community, HSN patient Sébastien Moncion and his friend Ethan recently raised $560 selling handmade fishing lures. They used the funds to purchase 22 books for the Pediatric Diabetes Clinic at HSN.  

HSN wishes everyone a wonderful and safe long weekend

Thursday, June 30, 2022

HSN wishes everyone a wonderful and safe long weekend

Health Sciences North wishes everyone a wonderful and safe long weekend with family and friends.

Introducing Deanna Jones-Keeshig, Indigenous Health Director

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Introducing Deanna Jones-Keeshig, Indigenous Health Director

We are pleased to wrap up National Indigenous History Month by introducing you to our new Director for Indigenous Health, Deanna Jones-Keeshig.


An experienced leader and health care professional, Deanna is excited to have joined HSN in this important role.

Dr. Robert Ohle Appointed Vice-President, Academic and Research Impact  at HSN and HSNRI

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Dr. Robert Ohle Appointed Vice-President, Academic and Research Impact at HSN and HSNRI

Health Sciences North (HSN) and Health Sciences North Research Institute (HSNRI) have appointed Dr. Robert Ohle to a six-year renewable term as Vice-President, Academic and Research Impact, effective August 8, 2022.
