If your child is on medications at home, please bring them with you in the original containers.
Surgery at Health Sciences North
My Visit to the Hospital
Parents and caregivers are important members of the care team. Both Pediatrics and the PCCU offer a window bed/bench for caregivers to sleep and access to a small refrigerator for meals.
Doctors, residents and medical students rotate on a weekly basis. Depending on how long your child is here, you may meet a few during your stay.
Registered nurses and nursing students are an excellent resource if you have any questions.
On-site pharmacists help the team make the best decisions for your child’s medication, from dosing to drug interaction.
A variety of therapists, including respiratory therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech language pathologists, may be involved in your child’s care.
Dietitians will work with staff to plan meals for your child’s hospital stay, if needed. They can help you with special dietary needs relating to your child’s treatment, religious beliefs, allergies, and personal preferences.
Social Workers:
Social workers can help you and your child cope with being in the hospital. You can request a social worker through your nurse or doctor.
Indigenous Navigators:
Navigators support patients and families by ensuring culturally appropriate support while accessing health care services. You can request an indigenous navigator through your nurse or doctor.
Other Members:
Your health care team may also include milk preparation staff and spiritual care resources.
The Ronald McDonald House Charites (RMHC) Toronto Family Room at Health Sciences North supports families with children in both the pediatric and neonatal units of the hospital. Although hours may vary, please check in with the Family Room team at the hospital to confirm hours of operation and available services. They can be reached by telephone at 705-523-7100, extension 7085.
The RMHC Family Room is located within the Pediatric Unit. It features a fireplace lounge with a TV, a kitchenette with complimentary snacks and refreshments and respite areas with private sleeping pods.

Pediatrics is a locked unit with a “buzzer” system for entry. Guests will be asked to identify themselves and who they will be visiting prior to entering the unit.
All children under the age of three (3) years will wear a security bracelet (“HUGS” tag) around their ankle or wrist. These bracelets will trigger an alarm and lock the unit doors if a child comes close to the exits (where you see yellow caution tape on the floor), or if the strap or tag is tampered with in any way.
Please do not adjust or try to remove the bracelet without first speaking to the nurse caring for your child.
Your child will also be wearing an armband on one wrist. Please make sure that your child’s armband has the correct name and information. Please also feel comfortable to alert staff if you see them starting a procedure or giving medication without first checking your child’s armband, or if the armband has been removed.