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Surgical weight management program

HSN’s surgical weight management program provides individuals throughout northeastern Ontario with pre-operative and post-operative care. Some bariatric surgeries are performed in Sudbury and HSN partners with other surgical bariatric centres in Ontario to provide bariatric surgery. Participants are followed by a bariatric team that consists of a physician, nurses, dietitians, social workers, physiotherapist, medical secretaries, and a pharmacist. The program is designed to help participants maintain weight loss and a healthy lifestyle by changing behaviours throughout the surgical process. 

  • A physician/NP referral to the OBN is required 
  • 18 years of age or older 
  • Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 40 
  • Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 35 but less than 40 with weight responsive comorbidities or when nonsurgical therapy has failed to achieve long-term weight loss.  

Once you have been referred to the OBN, you will be required to attend an orientation class. Initial assessments with the interdisciplinary team will then be scheduled to determine whether you are a suitable candidate to meet with a bariatric surgeon. The surgeon will ultimately decide whether you will have bariatric surgery, and if so, which bariatric surgery is right for you. 


Follow-ups occur at 1, 3 and 6 months, and 1 year after surgery. Initial and 1-month post-operative group appointments are done in person at HSN. Ontario Telehealth Network (OTN) appointments are available for patients who live outside of Sudbury for their 3, 6 months, and 1-year post-operative visits. 


The surgical program including the bariatric surgery is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). Patients will have to pay for travel and accommodations however travel grants are available for patients who qualify.   

Following bariatric surgery patients will need to purchase vitamin and mineral supplements for the rest of their lives. 

For information on the bariatric surgeries available throughout the OBN please visit the Ontario Bariatric Network website

Contact Us

Health Sciences North
Sudbury Outpatient Centre
Sudbury Bariatric Centre of Excellence
865 Regent Street
Sudbury, ON

Phone: 705-671-5611