Lisa Smith
Vice-President, Medicine and Chief Nursing Executive
Lisa Smith is a highly respected leader at HSN, with 34 years of nursing experience with the organization, including 26 years in leadership roles. She served with distinction as Interim Vice-President and Chief Nursing Executive from January to August 2018 and as Vice-President, Medicine, and CNE from 2020 to 2022 before retiring from HSN in the spring of 2022. She is deeply honored to rejoin her HSN family. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Laurentian University, a Critical Care Nursing Certification from the Canadian Nurses Association, and a Master of Health Studies from Athabasca University.
Previously in her career, she served as a Staff Nurse in Gynaecology and Intensive Care Nursery, Clinical Leader in the Intensive Care Unit, Coordinator of Community Inter-professional Learning, Manager of the Hospital Elder Life Program, Administrative Director of the Emergency and Ambulatory Program, Administrative Director of Medicine and Emergency Care, and Administrative Director of Critical and Emergency Care.
Lisa will lead a team of 1,727 people and be responsible for a $184 million budget in Medicine, Critical and Emergency Care, Community Care, Rehabilitation and Nephrology, the North East Specialized Geriatric Services, Patient Flow, Care Transitions, and Utilization. She will serve as Regional Administrative Lead for Critical Care in the North East and as Advisor to the Health Sciences North Research Institute. As Chief Nursing Executive, she will be a non-voting member of the HSN Board and serve on the Board’s Quality Committee and as a guest on the Medical Advisory Committee.