Helen Bobiwash
Helen Bobiwash is a Chartered Professional Accountant (Certified Management Accountant) who is a First Nation citizen of the Thessalon First Nation. She has provided independent accounting and consulting services within First Nation communities for 25 years. Helen is known within Indigenous communities in Northeastern Ontario for her technical accounting expertise, her ability to communicate technical information within communities and her understanding of Indigenous community issues. Helen was recognized as a Fellow of CPA Ontario for her contribution toward the profession and community. She has authored research reports and workbooks on Indigenous women entrepreneurship, including a Literature Review on Indigenous Women Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Self-Assessment Guides and Financial Capability Workbooks. Helen authored the Northeast LHIN’s Aboriginal Health Care and Reconciliation Action Plan that was released in September 2016. She has also authored numerous management articles for AFOA Canada’s Journal of Aboriginal Management on subjects such as financial literacy, business continuity management, and using a framework of standards to help achieve objectives. Her volunteer work includes being a member of the Board of Directors of the AFOA Ontario Chapter that supports the development of Indigenous financial professionals in Ontario. She is also a member of the Public Sector Accounting Discussion Group of Canada’s Public Sector Accounting Board that provides feedback on proposed changes to public sector accounting standards.