Thursday, November 23, 2023
Lori Leduc, Colleen Turner, Vanessa Cerilli, Samantha Robinson, and Jill Schweyer
Registered Dietitians
Meet Lori, Colleen, Vanessa, Samantha and Jill, a team of Registered Dietitians!
Dietitians are an integral part of helping people understand fact from fiction when it comes to food or fad diets. Dietitians also help clients understand the impact of long-term uncontrolled blood sugars and potential complications by providing nutrition management strategies and individual goals for lifestyle change to help improve outcomes.
“We enjoy being dietitians because we enjoy helping people. By understanding the relationship between how and what you eat, and being able to provide advice that helps individuals feel better or manage their medical condition is very rewarding. There are so many nutrition myths out there stemming from opportunistic diet culture. We see the impact dietitians can have on a client on a regular basis when it comes to helping them understand which foods can influence their blood sugars and how. We try to meet clients where they’re at, and not impose a lot of suggestions all at once, as that can often feel overwhelming. Rather, we try to help them self-identify an area or two in their diet that they can easily modify as a first step in the journey towards self-managing their chronic disease.”
Michelle Martin
Speech Language Pathologist
Being a speech-language pathologist at the Children's Treatment Centre for the past 22 years has been such a fulfilling experience. Having a hand in the development of so many children through the years, and seeing them smile when they succeed brings extra sparkle to my day.