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Our Emergency Department (ED) provides urgent and life-saving care to our patients and families 24/7

Our Emergency Department (ED) provides urgent and life-saving care to our patients and families 24/7

Monday, August 28, 2023

Our Emergency Department (ED) provides urgent and life-saving care to our patients and families 24/7. In the last week, we’ve seen higher than usual patient admissions for this time of year. Our teams are working extremely hard to provide quality care as quickly as possible.


Patients coming to the ED are prioritized based on their medical needs, not on a first-come, first-served basis. This allows for patients with the most urgent needs to be seen first. As a result, those with non-urgent needs may wait longer.


If your healthcare needs are not urgent, you have other options, such as visiting your family doctor or going to a walk-in clinic. Alternatively, consider contacting Health811, a free service that allows you to connect with a registered nurse at any time.


Please know that your kindness and patience goes a long way. Thank you to our team in the ED for your excellent work, everyday.