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Keeping our Staff Safe

Assessing the Risk of Violence

Keeping our Staff Safe

Thursday, April 20, 2023

At Health Sciences North, we work hard to keep our patients, visitors and staff safe. To ensure this, our staff need to be aware of any risk of violence from the patients they care for.

For everyone's protection, we have created the Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention program.

What does this mean for you?

When you or your family visit the emergency department, or any other area of the hospital, a violence risk assessment will be done. This tells our staff if we need to ask any safety related questions, or do a safety search.

We do not allow any threats, or acts of violent, harmful behaviour.

Do you have questions about the Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention program? If so, please contact Patient Relations at, or 705-523-7100 ext. 3737.