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May 1st is Doctors Day!

May 1st is Doctors Day!

Monday, May 1, 2023

May 1st is Doctors Day!


Join us in thanking our physicians and residents for their dedication and compassionate care of patients. Health Sciences North has 609 medical staff who provide care in 35 different medical specialties, and over 130 Residents studying in 30 different specialties.


“Today and every day, we are thankful for the incredible medical staff at HSN. Your dedication and knowledge have been instrumental in ensuring patient and team success across the entire organization. Thank you for your resiliency, leadership and teamwork. Happy Doctors Day!” – Dominic Giroux, President and CEO, Health Sciences North and Health Sciences North Research Institute.


“We encourage our community to celebrate this day alongside our doctors. Our growing medical staff continues to serve our community through the provision of exceptional patient care. Despite working in a complex environment and under daily pressures, our doctors have demonstrated commitment, compassion, and resiliency. We thank each and every one of our doctors for their outstanding care.”  Dr. John Fenton, Chief of Staff.


"Being a doctor means being given the opportunity to heal, to comfort, to inspire, and to make a real difference in the lives of others. We should never underestimate the power of a kind word or a compassionate act. Let us show our gratitude to the doctors who give so much of themselves to help others, and let us all strive to embody their values of kindness and compassion in all that we do." Dr. Robert Ohle, VP Research & Academic Impact.