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Changes to masking requirements at HSN

Changes to masking requirements at HSN

Monday, May 15, 2023


With lower rates of COVID-19 in our community, we’re happy to announce our COVID-19 risk level is moving from moderate to low.

When entering the hospital, you will still need to wash your hands, self-screen for symptoms and take a mask with you as you travel through the hospital.
For patients with symptoms, put on a mask and proceed to registration. For visitors with symptoms, please don’t enter and stay home until you’re feeling better.

In order to protect our most vulnerable patients, masks continue to be required for visitors in all inpatient areas and patient rooms. Visitors cannot bring food or drinks with them into patient areas.

Masks must continue to be worn at all times in high risk areas like
o    Emergency Department
o    Shirley & Jim Fielding Northeast Cancer Centre
o    Oncology
o    Nephrology unit 
o    Intensive Care Unit  
o    Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit. 
o    Cardiovascular Thoracic
o    Cardiac Medical Unit

If you don’t have symptoms, masks will no longer be required in areas like public areas like elevators, the cafeteria and Tim Hortons.
Out-patients will no longer need to wear masks for their appointments, unless they have respiratory symptoms noted on the signs at our entrances. 

HSN healthcare workers will continue to wear masks for all patient interactions.

Please continue to be kind and courteous to our teams as they work to care for patients and families, while keeping everyone safe.